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How to run a Facebook business page?

facebook fanpage

Having a crowd of opponents is a privilege of greatness. The same goes for Facebook. Over the years, there were a lot of dark clouds looming over the company. However, the sun always comes out after the storm. Mark Zuckerberg’s baby bravely parries attacks, remaining the industry leader with a significant advantage over all remaining competitors. The huge scale speaks for itself – 2.5 billion users around the globe. These people are your potential customers. A corporate profile should be a priority for every modern entrepreneur. Take a minute to study the most important features and functionalities of Facebook before you start building your brand presence on this key social medium. 

Numbers Talk

  • 39% of users follow a given fanpage for special offers
  • 57% of consumers declare that social media influence their purchasing decisions 44% of the same respondents described Facebook as the most influential platform
  • 26% of people who responded to the advertising message purchased the product

Endless possibilities are at your fingertips. There’s nothing else left but to try. How to run business activities on Facebook? Below you’ll find the most useful information and practical tips.

There are two forms of collective profiles on Facebook:

(You will find the rest of the article below the form)

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Verseo spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Poznań, at the following address ul. Węglowa 1/3, 62-122 Poznań is an administrator of your personal data.

About Verseo

Company’s office is located in Poznań. Company is entered into the register of entrepreneurs, kept by the District Court of Poznań – Nowe Miasto i Wilda in Poznań, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Division under number 0000596164, NIP (Tax Identification Number): 7773257986. You can contact us by writing a letter on the address indicated above or e-mail:[email protected]

You have right to:

  1. access to your personal data,
  2. correct your personal data,
  3. demand to remove your personal data,
  4. restrain to process your personal data,
  5. object of process your personal data,
  6. transfer your personal data,
  7. withdraw consent.

If you think we process your personal data not in accordance with the law, you have right to object to supervisory authority – President of Personal Data Protection Office.

We process your personal data to:

  1. handle your question, based on art. 6 ust. 1 lit. 6 of General Data Protection Regulation
  2. promote our goods and services including ourselves in connection with your consent, based on art. 6 ust. 1 lit. a of General Data Protection Regulation
  3. protect or claim in connection with our reasonable interest, based on art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f General Data Protection Regulation

You share your personal data freely. Please remember that without sharing your personal data you will not be able to send us a message, and we will not be able to answer you.

We can share your personal data with trusted recipient:

  1. providers of tools made for: website analytics, marketing automation,
  2. hosting operators.

We will process your personal data by the time:

  1. which is necessary to achieve a specific purpose for which they were collected and after this term by the time which is necessary to protect or possible claim,
  2. of withdraw your permission .

We don’t process personal data in a way, which would involve making only automated decisions about you. More information about processing of personal data you can find in our privacy policy.

  • A discussion group is based on communication between people who have something in common, for example: a hobby, place of residence, profession. In other words, groups are sometimes created by owners of Opel cars, residents of the same housing estate, or people working as graphic designers. It is a place where you can share information, photos, videos, or files.
  • A fanpage is a crucial tool for promoting a company, brand, person, or initiative. The key to success is building a base of committed fans. That’s why the admin should focus on creating engaging and valuable content on a regular basis. Additionally, the  website visits can be fuelled by displaying Facebook Ads.

Business Page on Facebook – how to create an account?

Each user can set up a fanpage on Facebook. The entire process consists of just a few steps. Just follow these tips:

  1. Select “Create Page” at the top of the site on the right.
  2. Choose the Business or Brand page type.
  3. Enter the name of your Facebook page. At this stage, you can still choose a working variant and make changes at any time.
  4. Choose categories that precisely define what you do. This way you can increase the visibility of your website to your visitors.
  5. You can add photos or temporarily postpone the decision. Your choice.

How to set up a Facebook fanpage?

A raw site looks unprofessional and doesn’t inspire the trust of visitors. That means you need to enter information to boost its credibility. Start with the following:

  1. Images are the foundation of visual identification. So be sure to upload a profile picture and a cover photo. What criteria do you have to meet?
  • The form of the profile picture depends on the nature of the business.
  • In the case of a business or brand, a simple and clear logotype works best. Create something that is easy to remember and associated with your business.
  • If you are building a personal brand, you can promote it with your face. Photography should be professional. Include attributes that you use at work. For example, if you are a professional dancer, show dancing.
  1. In the cover photo, you can use an image, animation, or video. Use this space to precisely present what you do. Remember that the cover photo should be changed from time to time. We recommend a seasonal approach and a change of images at least once a quarter. What to put in the cover photo?
  • Introduce yourself. Write a sentence or three short slogans that will contain the following information: who you are, what you do, what value you provide to customers and followers.
  • Present your latest achievement or the most important point of the offer. This way, you present the latest guides or services in our portfolio.
  • Tell everyone what you are up to. It can be a teaser of a new clothing collection or an announcement of events in which your brand will take part.
  • Create an aesthetic “wow effect”. Tip: use an animation.
  • Add a CTA. This way, users will know what to do.
  1. A dedicated URL can be set by selecting “Create Page Username” below the profile picture. Enter an uncomplicated, easy-to-search phrase in the provided field. After this operation is done, just type “” in your browser to go directly to your fanpage.
  1. Check the description section and write short notes. Tell everyone what you do. Present your most important products or services. Also mention achievements and values. Formulate concise sentences.
  1. Tell your brand’s history. Opt for an informal form. Do not bore your readers with a lot of dates and names that they will not remember anyway. Instead, try to arouse excitement and interest. To do this, use anecdotes and personal reflections. It should be an authentic, emotional text. At the end, just try to put yourself in the client’s shoes  and read the text once again and decide whether it keeps you involved.
  2. The key issue is also providing your contact info. Start with a phone number, email address, and website address, also adding the company address. The more information you provide, the more credible you’ll become in the eyes of users. This cannot be underestimated. If you expect users to trust you with their money, you need to earn their trust.
  1. Facebook allows you to link to accounts on other social media platforms. If you are already active on Instagram, Twitter, etc., you can leave a link to your profile and gain new followers.
  1. Select 3 categories that define your product or service. This way the page will be more visible to the audience.
  1. Below the cover photo, it’s a good idea to embed a contrasting CTA button to motivate users to interact with your page. This way, you can encourage them to book an appointment, contact you, view information about the website, make a  purchase or download an app. Thanks to this, recipients know exactly what you expect from them. Contrary to appearances, such a direct message can work wonders.
  1. The above elements are the bare  minimum for your website to function efficiently. Try to fill in all available fields. The more information you include, the better the results.

Content on Facebook – types and formats of posts

Facebook supports posts with varied structure. Each post usually consists of text and emojis. Additionally, you can add multimedia in the form of images or video materials. There are several types of publication:

  • Text-only page posts (without multimedia). A wall of text without images can discourage users from interacting.
  • Links leading to an external website (they take the form of a thumbnail with a redirect). They can be accompanied by a description and an emoji. An interesting variant is also the carousel, it is a post composed of several photos, which lead to the same destination.
  • Pictures with descriptions with content that may include a link. This is an alternative to default link posts. It doesn’t have to be only one photo. You can create an album of several creative elements.
  • Videos posted from a computer or mobile device. Users prefer to watch rather than read, which is why video is the most effective format on Facebook.
  • Live broadcasts are considered to be most engaging due to their spontaneous nature. Users can chat with the creator in real-time.
  • Stories are temporary publications that disappear after 24 hours. It can be a photo, video, or post. After your access has expired, you can view your materials in the archive of stories.

FB Posts can also:

  • provide geolocation info
  • define your mood
  • mark the product
  • redirect to the store
  • encourage people to participate in a charity event
  • invite to view the profile

Here are some examples of the most common publication formats (organic and paid) that your business can use.

How to effectively run a fanpage on Facebook?

Any brand can start working on social media. Not only can – but even should. Due to the low entry level threshold, many daredevils try their luck this way, although creating a fanpage is only the first step. The biggest challenge is to gather an informed and committed community. Here are tips that will help you stand out:

  • Breathe life into your posts

Most of the fanpages in social media have no concept. They mirror the content of the business website.

Let us use an example. The administrator enters the “About Us” tab on his company’s website, then copies a sentence taken out of context informing that 15 years ago the owners moved their headquarters from one place to another. Then this information is posted on the fanpage and ticked off from the publishing schedule.

Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. Such information has absolutely no value until you add an interesting narrative. Describing a story from the company’s life will work much better.

  • Use the language of benefits and emotions

Suppose you run a lighting store and want to present an office lamp. You describe its economic advantages. Stating “Our lamp is energy-efficient” is just a feature from which you must derive a benefit – add information “Saves you save EUR 5 per month”. This is a tangible benefit that can persuade the recipient to make a purchase.

Our agency faces similar challenges on a regular basis. “We created the Verseo Campaign Manager system to help users effectively manage their advertising budget” this is just  a feature. Such information has little value for our recipients. “The VCM platform allows to increase profits by up to 32% and reduces costs by an average of 15% per year” – this is a practical benefit. Then the potential client can calculate how much money he/she will gain. It is also worth mentioning that this solution guarantees stabilization and reduces uncertainty (emotional benefit).

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Verseo Ads Banner
  • Think out of the box

First, present your product to your audience, but do not stop at presenting features that can be seen with the naked eye. Everyone can see that white is white and black is black. Instead, play around with associations. Write that your volleyball may become your best friend on a desert island (by the way, where’s the Oscar for Wilson for the role in Cast Away?). Show that you are not just a calculating salesperson. Show that you have distance and a sense of humor. Wink at your audience and put a smile on their faces. This is one of the most effective ways to arouse sympathy and build relationships with your users.

  • Each fanpage is different

In the marketing industry, there are many myths about the universal timing and frequency of publishing that give the best results. Of course, you can become familiar with those suggestions, but don’t take them too seriously. The most important thing is to only speak when you have something interesting to share. Do not produce shallow posts, because some bloggers decided that 30 publications per month are the best solution. On the other hand, do not delay the implementation of innovative concepts for the fear of a decrease in reach caused by violating the time window between publications.

Quality will always defend itself. If your post is so interesting that it immediately arouses above-average commitment, then any strict rules lose their force.

In addition to a creative approach, we recommend experimenting. Post different types of content on different days of the week and at different times. After a few weeks, check if you see any pattern in the results that is worth following.

  • Real-time messaging

Content about holidays and other high-profile events is a great way to place your products in a specific context. This is what Coca-Cola does. Over the years Coca-Cola has been associated with Christmas. As a result, in many homes, this popular drink is served every year on the Christmas Eve table next to traditional dishes.

Similarly, you can create a need and immediately propose a solution. Summer holidays are a season full of various festivals. During concerts, you take photos, record videos, and the battery inevitably runs out. In such conditions, it is rather difficult to find a power outlet. Thus, a capacious power bank should always be in your backpack.

  • Avoid generalities

The average bread eater thinks marketing is a load of bull. It is not surprising if he or she is bombarded with messages of dubious value. Imagine that someone offers a pencil that fits individual needs. It can be used in many ways, it is durable and is considered to be a unique product. Does it sound convincing? No. Now let’s take the same pencil, but present it differently: it is intended for sketching technical projects, it lasts for 3 months of daily use, and has an unbreakable lead. We know something now. In marketing, you cannot afford to throw empty words.

  • Ask fans for their opinion

Many creators have to deal with the curse of professionalism. They believe that all their actions must be perfect and the audience should applaud them without reflection. We propose a different path.

Are you preparing to change your company logo and are still hesitating between two projects? Ask your fans for their opinion. They will help you make the right choice. This way, they will feel that their opinion matters to you, and you’ll generate commitment that will allow you to increase your reach.

  • Invite to the discussion

An active community is the greatest value for a fanpage. You can’t expect users to speak up if you haven’t asked them for their opinion. Communication must work both ways. Therefore, make it clear that you are counting on them.

Share a meme with empty speech bubbles and ask fans to suggest some lines for the characters. You can also encourage them to tag friends or suggest an exchange of anecdotes from school years. There are plenty of options.

  • Take but don’t forget 

Many companies build a very egoistic narrative – just “me” and “we”. In such communication, there are mostly product posts, which serve to sell. It is worth finding a compromise and giving something more. It doesn’t have to be a giveaway. In real-life marketing, people often expect just a little attention and interest. Tell how your brand improves the quality of customers’ lives. Show them backstage and invite them to the discussion.

  • Organize a mind training

Mental gymnastics and a bit of healthy competition are great ways to get a community moving. You can ask for solving a puzzle, a math equation, a word game, etc. Construct the task in such a way that the individual elements and the solution are somehow related to your brand. For example, the answer to the word puzzle is “Free Shipping”, which is hypothetically a standard in your company.

  • Invest in videos

We mentioned above that video materials are easy to consume and therefore generate more engagement. Thus, you should focus on this format. Many people refuse to create their videos because there is a misconception that such activities require full professionalism. Nonsense. The polished and directed scenes bring to mind classic television, which is gradually becoming a thing of the past. On the Internet, being natural is more important. Thus, unprofessional videos are considered to be more authentic. All you need is a smartphone that supports Full HD resolution to create them.

In addition, you need to start thinking about your video material in a broader context. You don’t have to make a new video from scratch every time. You may as well collect a few photos and present them as a slide show. Such content can be easily and effectively used in the course of daily duties.

  • Play with form

Users prefer interactive content in an accessible form. Therefore, you have to respond to their expectations. How to do it? Let us present a few examples.

You’ve organized a corporate event and have dozens of photos you want to share with your fans. Don’t expect anyone to go through all the photos if you share them one at a time. Creating albums makes sense only if you periodically include one picture, e.g. every week. A collage will be a much better choice. To do this, design one image that will be divided into several segments. Then you can insert several photos in one go and they will all be noticed.

An alternative solution is to create the so-called carousel. It’s a creation composed of several photos placed next to each other. The user can view all photos by clicking on the side arrows.

  • Build authority

The content posted on your fanpage must be beneficial for the recipients. It doesn’t have to be a material benefit. It will also be of value to make the users smile or to help them solve some difficult tasks. Let us focus on the latter aspect.

As an entrepreneur with a lot of experience for advice. You need to become an expert in your field. Sharing knowledge is one of the best ways to establish your position. Suppose you are a personal trainer. You can post tips on how to perform complex exercises. Consider making a permanent series on your fanpage. Thanks to this, you’ll get your audience used to the fact that they can find on your profile a handful of practical advice every week.

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  • Be a source of inspiration

Provide practical tips, but you can also become an inspiration for your fans. Post motivating quotes about physical health or add photos of the interior decoration arrangements for a home makeover. Inspiration is also a very clever form in which you provide inspiration but at the same time, you can stimulate buying your products or services. Present a ready idea for decoration with a key element that should come from your store.

  • Show a human face

Emphasize the importance of a positive image so you won’t be treated as a group of self-determined careerists who care only about money. Show that you value other people. Maybe on Mondays after work your employees play football together? Maybe you bring your dogs to the office on Fridays? Show that on your fanpage!

  • Track trends and react to them

The life of a Facebook post is extremely short. Important events have 5 minutes of publicity, and then their popularity begins to gradually decline. You have to act spontaneously. If information begins to spread virally across the web, try to somehow link it to your products or services. There is a good chance that your post will be in the mainstream and will be noticed by many recipients.

  • Numbers

Contrary to appearances, statistics do not have to be boring and repel recipients. It all depends on the form you choose. It makes sense to present numbers with objects that are easy to imagine.

Don’t expect commitment when you boast about the fact that your employees produced 14,000 kilometers of cables in the past quarter. The number looks abstract and users may not know what to think about this result. It would be better to say that the length is enough to reach Australia in a straight line. Then you can quickly imagine the scale of this achievement. Always present complex concepts in an easy-to-grasp manner.

However, if you want to publish raw data, you should prepare an infographic. Information presented in the form of visualization is processed by the brain 90% faster than text only. Thus, users learn the message quicker, and the message will remain in their memory for longer.

  • Tell a story

Why are mockumentary TV shows so popular? After all, the acting is bad, the script is naive, and the production values are low. The answer is simple. Storytelling is more engaging than many other forms of narrative. The recipient may feel that he/she is part of the events. Commitment is winning half the battle. From this position, it is much easier to move on to consolidating brand awareness.

  • Create series of themed posts

Social media is full of extremes. Finding a balance between various concepts is the key to success. On the one hand, users like to be surprised, so you should constantly raise standards by creating the most original solutions. On the other hand, recipients warmly accept repetitive actions. Therefore, it is worth running themed series on your fan page, which will always appear at the same time or at least on the same day. You also have to take care of creating a coherent visual identity and finding a complex topic that will not end after a few episodes. You can use, for example, recipes, practical advice on bodybuilding, etc. Themes give fans a reason to visit your fanpage on a regular basis.

  • Show off your achievements and important events

As children, we learn that bragging is rude and inappropriate. However, this is not the case when it comes to social media. You can boast in a good way. It’s about showing the way to success and the fruits of your hard work. Leave bundles of banknotes, luxury cars, and gold-studded interiors to music video creators. We are going towards presenting a favorable financial result, a new office or an employee who has successfully made it through the recruitment. A transparent business will always enjoy greater trust.

  • Build up tension

Are you preparing something special for your fans? If you provide complete information on the day of the premiere, you may waste a significant part of the potential hidden in the planned action. Instead, try to build up tension. Publish posts where you’ll gradually reveal more cards. Many users will wait with bated breath for the solution to the puzzle. This way you’ll get much better results.

  • Appreciate your audience

As we mentioned before, a committed community is the most valuable resource of your fanpage. You should thank the fans for any interest they show. If they share their thoughts or photos, make it clear that their opinion is valuable to you. You need to remember about this when users show a lot of activity under a post or when you reach the next threshold of likes. Then create a dedicated creative in which you express your gratitude.

How to find the best audience and the best customers on Facebook?

  • Identify your target group

First, you need to find out who your audience is. Universal messages may turn out to be completely missed. Thus, it is worth personalizing the message. You can get the data from Google Analytics connected to your website or check the Facebook fanpage statistics. Take into account your fans’ age, gender, education, and interests. Thanks to this, you can precisely respond to their needs.

  • Get closer to your fans

Creating personas is sometimes underestimated by marketers. This simple method, however, allows you to precisely adjust the language to your audience. The whole operation consists of dividing your target group into several most important segments and listing their most representative traits. To do this, use the knowledge you gained in the previous point using the analytical tools.

  • Match the style to your expectations

Not every publication has to meet the expectations of the entire community. When planning your monthly schedule, create some universal creatives that can reach everyone. Besides that, remember about a custom narrative. This way, you can build a closer bond with representatives of particular groups.

Based on previous experiences, adjust the type of communication that will be comfortable for both parties. Answer yourself a few questions:

  • Formal or informal?
  • Enthusiastic or reserved?
  • Easy-going or official?

Once you have dealt with these doubts, you’ll know how to reach each audience. You must also be aware that online savoir-vivre rules are not so strict. Most people use informal language. Even if you are addressing a mature audience, you don’t necessarily have to be protective and stick to conventions. It’s more about professionalism and creating publications based on reliable sources. Certainly, no one will be angry with you if you call them by their name, and at the same time, you open their eyes to some very important issue or present a point of view that touches on the problem from a completely different angle. Everything is a matter of tact.

In the case of light topics, the situation is much simpler. Then you can treat fans like buddies, share memes, and use slang.

What are the benefits of Facebook for your business?

The benefits of Facebook activities (both organic and paid):

  • boost brand awareness,
  • boost sales results,
  • attract traffic,
  • improve the image of your brand,
  • be in constant contact with your audience,
  • build a committed community,
  • strengthen relationships with customers.

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