How to start a business blog. Best blogging tips 

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Business blog - how to run a company blog

Do you run your own business? Do you want to reach new customers and maintain good relations with the existing ones? If so, you need high-quality content on the website and a business blog – which can be a game-changer when it comes to engaging clients. It doesn’t matter whether you are a big or a small business. There is only one catch: the blog posts must provide valuable content. Ideally, world-changing ideas. 🙂 But remember it doesn’t have to be an award-winning blog – there is no need to create another Business Insider. Even small business owners can enjoy an increase in traffic and sales thanks to creating a business blog

In this article, we will show you how to run a successful blog by sharing our best blogging tips.

Why Should Every Brand Set Up Business Blogs?

Every online business should run a blog. This is why:

  • Did you know that as many as 47% of buyers first view the company’s blog and then decide whether they are interested in their offer (source: Demand Gen Report)?
  • Are you aware that small business bloggers see a 126% increase in potential customers (source: Think Creative)?
  • Are you aware that frequent posting increases website traffic up to three times (source: HubSpot)?

Here are the main reasons why you should start a business blog. However, remember, it isn’t about filling the site with just any content, it has to be relevant content. The topics should not only be exciting but also respond to the needs and expectations of potential recipients – blog content simply has to contain practical business advice, how-to ideas, helpful tips, as well as success stories, and a bit of bragging about the brand. Show your brand off as a business leader and back it up with content.

Check what your target audience is interested in

Running a company blog just because guidebooks on digital marketing recommend it is pointless. This way, you will not achieve your goals – you will not attract potential customers. Who wants to read articles that don’t bring anything new, or don’t contain relevant content or any practical information? Blog posts should carry some value – so that the reader can get something out of them. How to achieve that?

If you want to reach a broad audience with your articles, you must meet its needs. The first step is to define the expectations. It is worth finding out what interests the recipients – only this way you will be able to provide them with content that will answer questions or dispel doubts. Frankly speaking, your goal is to attract readers by delivering practical information.

Knowing what interests your potential audience is the starting point for creating relevant topics. Keep reading for more blogging tips and tricks!

Successful blog – where to find inspiration for a blog post?

Be ready – inspiration for blog post ideas can strike at any time. But what if the publication date is approaching, and the brilliant idea doesn’t come? Here are some helpful tips to help you quickly find topics that might interest your potential audience.

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Sources of inspiration for business blogs

Follow social media platforms

Social media give you a lot of valuable insights on the interests, needs, and expectations of potential readers. Become a member of online communities, and groups relevant to your industry and stay up to date. Social media marketing is not only about communicating but in a broader sense is based also on receiving the data. By following the publications and reading the comments, you will surely come across a topic worth discussing on your business blogs. Therefore, social media presence is advisable.

Browse YouTube resources

YouTube is both a search engine and a social networking site that can provide a lot of information about the needs of your potential audience. It is a great source of inspiration for writing blog posts – find out which videos or channels have a lot of views and what topics they cover. Maybe some industry vloggers/journalists would be eager to make a collaboration? Guest posts are always welcome.

Research your competition

It is good to know what other bloggers do, especially successful bloggers and advanced bloggers. There is nothing wrong with following your competitors – their actions can be the driving force for your business. However, do not limit yourself only to monitoring the offer and business news. Check the content published on the company’s blog. I’m not suggesting copying the topics but perhaps – after reading the texts – you will feel inspired and you will want to approach a given issue from a slightly different angle? If you feel that a topic may interest your potential audience, take advantage of it.

Read comments

Systematically return to blog posts published some time ago. There might be readers’ comments. In many cases, they can be a very good source of inspiration – recipients often ask questions, hoping for an answer. You can collect them and create an article or even a series of articles oscillating around this topic. A business blog is your space to present ideas and communicate with your audience.

Browse old blog posts

Browse all posts – not just the recent blog posts. The previously published articles on the blog can also serve as an inspiration. Review them and check which ones need to be updated and which ones need to be expanded. Perhaps some posts can be combined into an interesting series of articles? Maybe it’s worth digging up s a digital time capsule and sharing some memories of how it’s been in the company a few years ago?

Monitor industry events

Industry-related events – trade fairs, conferences, symposiums – can be a source of inspiration for blog articles. The topics discussed there may become a starting point for creating an interesting article – not just a report on events and re-writing business news.

Follow your customers’ voice

As a business owner, every day you receive many calls and e-mail inquiries from customers who ask the same questions. Let their doubts be your inspiration for a blog article. You can write a Q&A section or how-to guides and respond to the most frequently asked questions, for example about products or services. Thanks to this solution you have ideas for new content and also reduce the number of calls and emails. People usually before contacting the company, search for answers online.

Use the potential of a business blog

Business blogs are a powerful tool that supports digital marketing activities. It is worth taking advantage of its potential by regularly publishing valuable content. It has many benefits, including:

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Brand image enhancement

By posting valuable posts that clarify readers’ doubts, you become an expert in a given field. It improves your brand’s image and is directly connected with your business growth. A large number of brands underestimate the importance of their know-how in the industry. Take advantage of this to stand out from the crowd and achieve success. 

Sales increase

The blog is where you can naturally present your offer. In articles that fit the recipients’ needs, you “smuggle” ready-made solutions that lead straight to your products or services. For example, when selling tomato paste, you can interest your potential clients with recipes in which it is good to use the tomato paste.

Search ranking improvement – SEO likes it!

Valuable articles that solve your readers’ problems have a chance to lead you to high positions in the search results. This will bring more traffic by redirecting potential customers to your targeted business page. This, in turn, creates an opportunity to improve sales results.

Place your target audience on the pedestal, but always remember about search engine bots. Image benefits are difficult to measure, but the increase in Google ranking is a fully measurable indicator – you can check it and the organic traffic you gain with various tools like Google Analytics (free tool), Senuto, and many more.

A company blog is basically an endless space that can be filled with words – including keywords for which the page is ranking. Creating a new blog post means creating another subpage indexed in the search engines and subjected to website positioning rules (in this case, also known as on-page SEO or on-site SEO) – take advantage of it and increase your traffic from organic search.

There’s no doubt – a business blog is a great investment worth the time. Remember to share only interesting articles on subjects that meet the expectations of the target group (as well as search engines crawlers). Now you know where to look for inspiration when you get stuck.

Benefits of a business blog

Blog – digital marketing with a soul

A business blog has many upsides, but there are some traps to watch out for. Posting about corporate successes or introducing employees and business partners are great ideas to show that people stand behind a given brand. However, you shouldn’t exaggerate – for a company owner, the information that a given product is selling well or that the electronic system has been improved in the warehouse is an important message. Nonetheless, bombarding customers with such messages is simply… boring.

Remember that a company blog should first and foremost present a brand as an industry expert, but don’t only focus on the microcosmos of your office. Also, keep in mind that the industry is always much larger than your brand, and customers know this – pretending that the entire industry is limited to one brand is too far-fetched and insincere. The basis for building an expert image is credibility – it applies not only to online businesses but to all businesses in general.

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Set up your own blog – it won’t hurt

A blog is an important ally when it comes to content marketing. And undoubtedly, it should become a part of your business landscape. I hope you’ll enjoy our list of blogging tips, implement practical advice and start a business blog today!

TLS/SSL certificate – What Is It?

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SSL/TLS certificate

SSL certificate has become a must-have feature for all website owners. Let’s look at this topic both in terms of security and its impact on the effectiveness of positioning. What is SSL and what does this acronym mean? Do all websites need to have an SSL certificate implemented? How does an SSL certificate affect the purchasing process?

SSL Encryption – What Is SSL?

SSL is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer. The name speaks for itself – in a nutshell, SSL protocol ensures data security during the transfer of packets between the computer and the web server. In fact, the name SSL is used colloquially – in most cases, SSL protocol is replaced by a newer and more advanced TLS certificate (the acronym for Transport Layer Security).

SSL certificate definition

The protection of the transfer is based on encrypting the data so that theoretically it is not possible to change it during transmission (and any attempt to do so will be detected). With SSL/TLS, the user can be sure that an undesirable redirection to another website will not happen during the connection. It is important especially when it comes to websites where we want to submit our sensitive data, and share our login credentials e.g. when filling out the contact form, making online transactions, or online payments.

How do I know if a connection is encrypted?

In the simplest possible way: if the website contains HTTPS web address and looks similar to this URL: (this is just an example), the website has the SSL certificate implemented. If there is no SSL certificate or it is incorrectly connected, a message will appear that the website is not secured. Always look at the website’s address.

Mozilla Firefox – SSL certificates warnings

In the case of Mozilla Firefox browser, if the website does not have an SSL/TLS certificate, the padlock icon looks as follows:

Firefox - no SSL warning

Websites that pose a potential threat are flagged by Firefox:

Firefox - potential threat (SSL)

The page that poses a risk to internet users will not be displayed to them – instead, you can see a warning message informing about the nature of the problem:

Firefox - SSL warning - full information screenshot

When Firefox connects to a website with an SSL certificate implemented, the browser verifies the validity of the certificate used by the website. If it does not pass the authentication process (for various reasons – some of them are mentioned below), Firefox will terminate the connection with the website and display the error message “Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead”.

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Firefox warnings can be associated with the following threats (see

  • the use of SSL certificates from GeoTrust, RapidSSL, Symantec, Thawte and VeriSign – these entities have not complied with the recommendations regarding security practices in the past – certificate authority is not trusted,
  • incorrect settings in the operating system regarding date and time,
  • “expired” – when the security certificate has expired and has not been renewed yet,
  • the certificate is not assessed as trusted due to the fact that the issuer’s certificate is not valid,
  • the certificate is not valid for a specific page,
  • the website is not properly configured,
  • the SSL certificate file is corrupted.

Mozilla Support also indicates what steps should be taken to solve a specific problem with the SSL certificate.

Google Chrome – SSL/TLS certificates warnings

Google Chrome - lack of ssl certificates warning

The most common causes of warnings that appear in Google Chrome regarding TLS/SSL certificate errors are:

  • the site does not allow a secure connection,
  • the website has a redirect loop,
  • the website is unavailable,
  • the connection is not private (security protocol is not implemented),
  • problems with setting the date and time.

Secure Sockets Layer – Who Needs It?

In short: an encrypted connection pays off for everyone. It means everyone needs a secure socket layer (SSL).

Online stores and e-commerce in general – SSL is obligatory without any exceptions! The awareness of the importance of online shopping security is growing steadily. Don’t scare your potential customers away with the lack of an SSL certificate. Your potential customers will not share their confidential information and make online transactions if they are not sure that it is safe to do so.

When it comes to websites that don’t sell products online, important are any places where users leave their confidential and sensitive information, e.g. via contact forms, etc. If you get such data from users, an SSL certificate is also mandatory.

Other websites without the functionalities mentioned above: theoretically an SSL certificate is optional, but we (as well as web browsers’ developers) strongly advise implementing it. The awareness among users is growing rapidly and the visible differences on websites that do not have a certificate (the message “Not secured” does definitely not have positive associations), make the SSL certificate worth the investment.

Do we advise on choosing a specific SSL certificate provider?

What we do is simply recommend using an SSL certificate in order to provide a secure connection. However, we do not indicate a specific business or brand that provides such certificates. This is due to the fact that we do not follow the detailed offerings of companies that provide SSL certificates, discounts, etc. that change over time. SSL industry, due to massive demand, has a very wide offer.

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Differences depending on the type of SSL certificate

When it comes to different types of SSL certificates, there are some differences that you can notice in the browser:

AlphaSSL/RapidSSL Wildcard SSL certificate – company name will not be visible in certificate details.

True BusinessID and TrueBusinessID Wildcard SSL certificates – the company name will be visible in the details of the certificate.

True BusinessID EV SSL certificate – displays a green address bar. The domain and applicant organization are verified – the company name will be visible in the green address bar and in the details of the certificate.

Types of SSL certificates. Free SSL or a commercial one?

You have two options when choosing an SSL certificate for your website: a free SSL certificate or a commercial certificate. A free digital certificate has its obvious benefit, but if you decide to use this solution, you should carefully read the terms of such a service and check its limitations. The answer, as usual in the digital marketing world, is it depends.

The process of implementing SSL certificates can look complicated. In fact, it is quite easy, but beginners may sometimes need the help of experienced web developers. It consists of, among others, certificate signing request (getting the certificate authority’s digital signature), domain validation, and some activities to successfully put the SSL protocol to use. However, the whole process should take less than an hour – after going through all steps – all you have to do is wait for another approximately 8-24 hours.

Of course, SSL/TLS certificate is not everything you need to secure your website properly. SSL certificates protect only data transmission between the user and the web server – the topic of website security solutions is much broader and in order to protect the website from cyber-attacks you need to follow the good practices.

You can read more about this issue in another article on Verseo’s blog – Website Security – How to Keep Your Website Safe.

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Digital Marketing – How to Start Online Marketing Activities?

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Digital Marketing

In today’s world, no matter the industry, running a business without the possibilities offered by digital marketing is probably bound to fail. This applies not only to businesses oscillating around IT but also to those that until recently, could easily do without the Web.

Gastronomy, hairdressers, plumbers, car mechanics, physiotherapists, computer repair shops, interior designers, and companies from hundreds of other industries are slowly migrating to the online world every day. No matter the business model, in the vast majority of cases, this is no longer an option, but an obligatory market requirement, if you want to be among business leaders in a given industry

Digital Marketing Efforts Outrun Traditional Marketing

Offline marketing is everywhere – banners, TV advertisements, logos on t-shirts, and so on. And it works. But there’s no doubt – over the last few years consumers’ habits have fairly changed. Traditional marketing looks up to digital marketing. As a business owner, you ought to keep up with the massive growth of digital competencies of your target group – otherwise, you will lose your customers, both current and future ones. If you do open your digital doors to them, when the moment comes, they will start looking for services or products offered by your competitors. Your rivals and potential customers are already online. Are you? If not, you need a digital marketing strategy.

Digital marketing (also called online marketing), especially if you don’t have much experience in this field, can seem quite complex and demanding. In fact, promoting your brand online is an activity that requires a considerable amount of knowledge – even in the very beginning. Unfortunately, the necessity to broaden marketing horizons grows exponentially. It is also worth remembering that while some of the activities that make up the digital image of a brand can be conducted for free or with a low effort and budget, surely costs will increase over time.

A Successful Business Needs To Send Marketing Messages Online

How to start digital marketing? Which marketing tools to use? Which of them are necessary at the beginning, and which can be put on a shelf and wait some time? Which should be taken into account when creating a digital marketing strategy? Firstly, you need to prepare a plan – a digital marketing plan.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – be visible on search engine results pages!

Every brand should have its website. With your own piece of the Web, you can provide customers with basic information about your services or products and, above all, let the clients find you. A well-designed website will allow you to make the first impression and provide the necessary contact details. A brand’s website, as a rule, should be eye-catching, esthetic, fast, and adapted to User Experience standards (more about UX later in the text).

However, in order for the website to be properly visible in the search engines like Google or Bing, it is important to begin activities focused on website positioning. When a user enters certain keywords that interest him/her, a search engine returns a list of several dozen or several hundred thousand results in a specific order. This ranking is not random-generated, and the constantly evolving Google algorithm constantly analyses billions of websites to arrange the results. However, you can live in harmony with the algorithm and use good SEO (Search Engine Optimization) practices from the very beginning. It will pay off, and getting top positions in search engines is usually one of the most important goals in digital marketing.

In general, the positioning of websites (no matter if it is a website focused on services, content, e-commerce – online store, or anything else) can be divided into two categories. One of them covers modifications on the website – this process is sometimes called on-site SEO. The range of activities mostly consists of creating and optimizing the content as well as a website’s code – the goal is to make the website “easy-to-digest” both for the user, and for search engine crawlers.

It also means enriching the content with proper keywords that you want to associate your website with. After choosing keywords based on extensive keyword research, you should place them in an article or other pieces of content. But remember – the text must be something more than simply keywords. Overfilling the content looks unnatural and decreases the quality of the text – a vast majority of readers will just sigh and exit your page.

If you have some subpages and feel like there is not much space for additional content, setting up a business blog can be beneficial. This will allow not only to increase the amount of content but also to present the brand as an expert in a given industry. Apart from expert articles uncovering some interesting data or tips and tricks of your trade, a company blog is a perfect place to brag about your brand’s achievements, present your coworkers to the audience and show off your company culture.

On-site SEO focuses also on improving technical issues:

  • Decreasing website loading time – most users simply resign from entering a website if the loading time is too long. Accelerating loading can be achieved by e.g. images compression, code minification, migrating a website to a faster hosting, etc.;
  • Taking care of proper website responsiveness, i.e. adaptation to display on screens of different resolutions (most of the digital traffic is generated via smartphones, which requires the use of other web development solutions than in the case of typical desktop versions – users of desktop and laptop computers, however, cannot be forgotten. And tablets, don’t forget the tablets);
  • Implementation of SSL certificate in order to provide encrypted communication between the server and the user. It is also taken into account by Google bots while analyzing a website;
  • And many more.

The second (but by no means less important) part of SEO is getting links leading to your website, which is referred to by the term off-site SEO. It is the links that alarm the Google crawler that, according to the social proof of rightness, the website is probably valuable and the algorithm can raise its position in the search results.

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Why Should You Include SEO in Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

In the initial stage, the key information about SEO is the fact that website positioning is a long-term process. Achieving satisfying results is not possible in a week, month, and often even a year – it requires creating a brand positioning plan and its proper implementation, adapting to the constant algorithm updates, and continuous training. What’s worse, once the results are achieved, they are very easy to lose, for example, due to a faulty website update, which, for example, will cause problems with indexing individual subpages.

SEO Audit

If you already have your brand’s website, it is worth checking how it is doing in the search engines and what can be done to improve its positioning. It can be done thanks to an SEO audit, with such an audit you can check both the elements that can be improved on the site itself (on-site SEO) and the link profile (off-site SEO).

On the digital market, you can find many marketing tools – both free and paid – that can automatically collect basic information on this topic. At Verseo, we have also prepared the possibility of conducting such a quick audit at You may also find the official Google PageSpeed Insights useful. It is one of the digital tools, which checks the loading speed and other basic elements that make up the performance of your website.

SEO Auditor

Automatic SEO auditors and all the tools that are based on similar scripts can be a good first step to website positioning as a set of basic information. However, such tools can’t give you fully personalized data and analyze more than just elemental issues. If you think of “proper SEO”, you won’t get far without a professional audit conducted by an experienced SEO specialist. Only multifaceted analysis allows you to create a detailed SEO strategy, which in the vast majority of cases (except for extremely niche market sectors) is necessary to bring the website to successful results and the top position in SERPs.

Google My Business

When a potential client enters a brand’s name into Google, on the right side, next to the search results, a section with data about a specific company appears. Setting up such a business card is free of cost, so you can display the most important data – phone number, address, business hours, or photos of the office. With Google My Business, the user has access to basic data without searching further, and you can make the right first impression. And that’s the clue of digital marketing.

Social Media Marketing

Social media can be compared to the center of big cities. Depending on the current popularity of a given portal, it can be flourishing (like Instagram or TikTok) or abandoned (like MySpace). There is no doubt, however, that the presence on social media will be useful for the vast majority of brands. Social media are perfect platforms to get in touch with the client. Via Facebook or other platforms you cannot only make announcements (“Hi, I am a given brand)”, but also attract attention (“Oh, maybe it’s worth starting a dialogue?”).

Social Media

Which Social Media Channels Should You Choose?

The first question to be answered when considering setting up a brand account on social media is “which digital platforms gather my target audience?”. Each website is characterized by a slightly different user profile – due to the position that Facebook built up over the years, theoretically, you will find all age groups there, but Instagram and TikTok reach younger users much more effectively and accurately. Each platform has its own communication code – Instagram is an image-based platform, TikTok consists of short videos, and Twitter is primarily based on 280-character text messages.

Think about which social media platform fits your brand best. A dynamic brand aimed at teenagers can make miracles on TikTok, while in the case of care products for seniors, the presence there will probably end up in business terms as a waste of time and resources.

Almost every medium and big brand promote its products/services on social media platforms. This is a huge overload of information for the user. Due to this accumulation in social media, the company should stand out – don’t use boring narratives, based on clichés. You have only a split second to catch the eye of potential customers – don’t waste it.

Social media marketing is also one of the best digital channels to use the potential of influencer marketing – most influencers have profiles with a massive following – maybe it’s worth saying hello to their target audience and making a business collaboration?

Social Media Marketing Is No Longer Organic

It is worth noting that the era of organic reach (e.g. a reach and traffic achieved without the support of PPC – paid social media ads) is gone forever. Social media managers are certain – your Facebook fan page will not be displayed to all users who once clicked “like it” and hope that it will allow them to get updates about new posts. Social media platforms are monetizing their activities and focus mostly on paid advertising. For this reason, it is worth allocating part of the budget to paid digital ads – otherwise, it can be a waste of time for content creators if their social media posts are seen by only a dozen or several dozen people. Of course, you can aim for a jackpot and count that your digital communication on social media goes viral – the holy grail of digital marketers. Most likely, it won’t happen.

Google Ads is a massive advertising system, allowing your brand to reach millions of people.

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Google Ads allows you to show paid ads:

In search results – above and below the organic results. This location guarantees proper exposure of the ad and is usually associated with clicks. An advertisement placed especially at the very top of SERPs, although marked as an ad, is sometimes confused with a traditionally positioned page.

On YouTube – the largest video platform in the world is also an excellent place for displaying ads. Ads can be shown during and after videos (as video ads), as well as text overlay ads. The system also allows the use of several other formats (e.g. it can display ads at the top of the column with suggestions for movies to watch).

On millions of portals associated with the Google Display Network. With GDN, you can display ads on many lifestyles, news, or journalistic websites – the network gathers both small blogs run by hobbyists and large horizontal portals. Furthermore, your ads can be shown only to specific users – those who, for example, have previously visited your website or expressed interest in similar products. This is a great way to remind customers about your brand.

In Discovery Ads. This format is based on a set of assets that, based on self-learning algorithms, the system dynamically mixes. This way AI selects a creation that will generate the best results in a given location and under given conditions. Discovery Ads are shown on a Discover card, in Gmail (in the tab “offer” and “network”) and on YouTube (on a YouTube’s homepage and in the “worth watching” panel). 

In Google Shopping. You can find a price comparison platform (called Google CSS – Comparison Shopping Services) in the “Shopping” tab of the search results page. But you can also advertise specific products there – ads will be shown over the organic search results. What’s important is, product listing ads can also appear in traditional SERPs – when a user enters a phrase in Google that is related to a product (for example, a drone or a leather jacket), Google Ads may display an ad for your product with an image, name, price and, of course, a link to the store’s website.

Google Shopping screenshot

And it is not the full potential of Google Ads!

What else it’s worth knowing about Google Ads? Apart from impressive reach, this system is characterized by advanced targeting possibilities. Unlike a TV spot, you can precisely specify to whom the ad is to be displayed, which prevents the budget from burning. Google Ads also enables dynamic adjustment of the target group based on the collected data – it can rotate ads in real-time to people who, according to the system, are the best prospects for conversion – target customers. Supportive solutions such as VCM are also available, which adjust the data 24/7 thanks to self-learning algorithms.

Remember – to take full advantage of Google Ads, the system must have something to collect data on. It is a solution that pays off, but it’s getting more effective the more data it has – which requires you to spend money.

In fact, both SEO and digital marketing campaigns (as well as setting up a Google My Company card) can be classified as search engine marketing in a broader view.

How To Begin Digital Marketing Activities?

The aforementioned digital marketing channels can be a good start for a brand on its journey with online marketing. Of course, this is only the beginning – digital marketing offers basically endless possibilities and digital channels. In the digital business plan, the key is to choose the right digital marketing channels and make sure that communication is consistent.

Conduct market research, prepare a digital strategy, implement it and see how your marketing efforts pay off. You can also trust Verseo – an experienced digital marketing agency and let us boost your business!

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AdBook 2022 – The Ultimate Digital Marketing Guide – Free E-book!

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Digital Marketing e-book

Four years ago Verseo published its first comprehensive digital marketing guide – AdBook 2018. In the marketing world, such a period of time is considered as an entire millenium. The possibilities offered by digital advertising today are incomparably wider and richer than they were a few years ago. However, the multitude of available solutions sometimes can lead to a confusion – which channels are best to invest in?

Therefore, together with the experienced Verseo dream-team, we decided to once again collect our know-how and share the knowledge we gained. During our marketing journey we have been working with both smaller and larger clients from various industries. The result is a completely new guide in which we focus on how to conduct marketing today. Ladies and gentlemen, here it is – the latest AdBook – AdBook 2022.

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What Does AdBook 2022 – Digital Marketing Guide – Consist Of?

Adbook 2022 contains over 100 pages full of digital marketing tricks enriched with charts, infographics and other useful pieces of data. In the guide, you will find tips on all the most popular methods of brand promotion on the Internet. All tips are based on our vast marketing experience and real clients, real cases and real campaigns.

All information is presented in a transparent form, so that you can easily delve into the world of online marketing. 

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What else can you find in the Adbook? A comprehensive overview of marketing channels, case studies of our campaigns and other activities, advice on how to increase conversion and optimize marketing projects, proven tips, figures and much, much more. This guide is only facts and straightforward recommendations – no fillers, no flowery descriptions, and no pointless information. If you are looking for a guide that will show you the possibilities of digital marketing and provide you with proven and up-to-date knowledge – this one will meet your expectations.

AdBook 2022 – Online Marketing Powers Combined

Adbook 2022 was created by our specialists from various fields of expertise and external partners with whom we have had the pleasure to work more than once – Freshmail and Landingi.

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You can download AdBook 2022 here. Read, implement and increase your profits. It pays off!

Digital Marketing Guide