Posts by: Dominika Slomka

Dominika, currently Content Marketing Manager, joined Verseo immediately after getting a degree in project management and digital marketing. She is one of those lucky people who are passionate about what they do. Marketing and modern technologies are not only her job, but also her interests. Domi is one of those great people to meet, offering a wealth of imagination, painstaking diligence and spring openness. Extremely competent when it comes to LinkedIn, content building and lectures on healthy diet.

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What Is a Newsletter?

Do you think that mailing is an ineffective marketing technique? If so… read on and see how much you lose […]

Dominika Slomka
19 January 2021

Google Ads Glossary

Find all the Google Ads terms explained in our glossary! What is the difference between CTR and CPC? Does the […]

Dominika Slomka
11 December 2020